Eagle Scout Project: Skunk Hollow Community Garden Sign

Completed eagle scout project
The Eagle Scout Project is the most significant requirement to earn the highest rank in the Boy Scouts. It is designed to provide a Scout with the opportunity to demonstrate leadership of others while also benefitting their community through meaningful service. For my project, I designed and constructed a 6' x 8' sign out of cedar planks to raise awareness for a local community garden that had been hidden from the view of the nearest road.
To complete this project, I first had to write a detailed project proposal indicating the exact procedure that would be followed to ensure the safe and effective development of my project. Throughout the process, the garden pivoted their vision for the sign, and I had to adapt my project proposal to meet the needs of the community garden.
When I designed the project, and throughout its development, I considered the materials and assembly methods I would use to ensure that it would withstand the test of time. In completing my eagle project, I also gained some valuable hands on experience with some common shop tools which has aided me now when I design mechanical components and am considering manufacturability.
One of my most significant takeaways from my Eagle Scout project was how I changed and developed as a leader. During the project, I effectively led a group of scouts for 150+ man hours of work to create an aesthetically pleasing sign for the

Here is a picture of me in 8th grade operating a hand router and carving dremels to etch the sign lettering
community garden. In addition, I learned that communication skills and adaptability are vital while working to meet the needs of a consumer, in my case the community garden. As a result of my Eagle Scout Project, the membership and awareness for the community garden increased significantly within my town.